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What is the meaning of "Taragana"?
Taragana is a combination of two Sanskrit words - "Tara" and "Gana" or "Gyana". Roughly translated it means - Infinite Knowledge. Taragana can also be translated as follower of infinite knowledge. Taragana symolizes our zeal for perfection.
Note: Sanskrit is the Mother language of India like Latin is the Mother language of Europe.
What advantages Taragana provides as outsourcing partner?
Please refer to our benefits.
What kind of technologies you work with?
Please refer technology section for details.
How do you communicate status of ongoing outsourcing projects?
We upload our outsourcing projects, customer permitting, in a secured area on our servers, either in Dallas, Texas or in Denmark to demonstrate the live status of the project. This is in addition to regular project status report by email.
What is your development infrastructure?
Please refer to infrastructure section for details.
Would you outsource *my project*?
We revel in any technologically challenging project with tight time-to-market requirements. Please refer to services section for more details on our capabilities and benefits.
Do you develop custom Wordpress plugins and themes?
Yes, we can develop custom Worpress plugins and themes, resource permitting. It never hurts to ask.

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