Kolkata, INDIA - MARCH 3, 2008 - Taragana Inc, a leading provider of Web 2.0 enabling software, today announced the release of the new version of their website - taragana.com. The website has been re-designed to highlight our Web 2.0 enabling products and services. Taragana website is based on ModX Content Management System, which offered unprecedented customizability and flexibility in rapidly designing this site.
"Our website needs to continuously adapt to our growing business. The old website was based on Joomla CMS, which despite its strength, was hard to easily customize to our complex needs. We needed a solution to enable us to easily create microsites for our products with distinctive look, embed functionality with PHP snippets etc.", said Angsuman Chakraborty, CEO Taragana. "After extensive research and prototyping we adopted MODx."
The new site design contains microsites for each products with full documentation and support details. Multiple templates were used to render different segments of the site with moderate Javascript use to increase usability and highlight our products. Repetitive segments were encapsulated in re-usable code snippets and html chunks. MODx was well suited for the task and allowed us to complete ahead of schedule.
The contact form is protected against spam using Contact Form Pro, an yet unreleased product and offshoot from Comment Guard Pro software development.
The third release of the site brings together all of our software, service and documentation on a single site..
For additional information visit https://taragana.com.
Joomla is an open source CMS and Web Application Framework from www.joomla.org.
MODx is an open source CMS and PHP Application Framework from modxcms.com.
About Taragana:
Taragana is a leading provider of Web 2.0 enabling software and services. Taragana's offerings include Translator Plugin Pro & Translator Plugin Gold software which provides automatic machine translation of WordPress blogs in 14 and 32 languages respectively. Taragana provides several free WordPress plugins and Anaconda Theme for WordPress blogs. Taragana also provides high-end software development outsourcing services.
Dipankar Das, Public Relations Director